
– How much does a windshield on the Ford Focus? – "Original" – 10 000 rubles. "Neoriginal" – 2000 rubles. – Hmmm What's the difference? This kind of dialogue I heard on one of the auto market in Moscow The answer to the question "What's the difference?" Depends on the seller, someone says that there is no difference, someone that the "original" is better. To the question "What is better?" Objective response, I have not heard, only the common phrases and emotions I have not found an answer and also on the Internet, despite the large number of articles in which all reduced to the "horror stories" without well-founded. This is understandable, articles were written for only one purpose – improving ranking in search engines, not more On the forums people generally write funny things And all because of the fact that nobody bothered to detail to clarify this issue In this article I will talk about his search for truth as an example of auto slglass, produced in the town of Bor, Novgorod region It would be nice to know your views and experiences in the comments at the end of article What is "Original" windshield? Before comparing auto-glass, let's get with the concept of "original autoglass. Under the "original" is usually understood to autoglass, which was installed on the vehicle at the factory. No one Automobile auto-glass itself does not produce – he buys them from the contractors.

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