Voluntary Health Insurance

What do you know about the voluntary medical insurance, how it differs from the mandatory health insurance? Does it make sense to pay in advance or illness will pass us by? The reform, which was designed to improve medical care of Russian citizens, has created policies of obligatory medical insurance. But after many years of this system, few noticed any significant positive changes in socialized medicine – the same long lines, lack of specialists, modern equipment and the inevitable need to go to the cashier to get the service they need today, not in two weeks. The fact that changes is about to occur, while it is impossible to say, but because the people who are willing and able to take care of their health and their family members at the proper level is two ways – the acquisition of voluntary medical insurance policy insurance or direct payment for services selected for the treatment of health care institutions. Russian mentality presupposes an eternal hope that somehow all will be well and all the diseases that exist in nature, should happen to someone else, not us.

Even pessimistic by nature people are not rushing to buy medical insurance policy and, especially life insurance. This approach is a direct consequence of ignorance of the system of voluntary medical insurance and “strangeness” of the situation when you need to forward to pay for services, which, as everyone hopes, will likely not be useful. If you understand the situation, then it appears that voluntary insurance will be even more profitable than to receive “free” service under the policy of mandatory medical insurance. Insurance companies are currently located in a highly competition, and therefore strives to offer its clients the best conditions of all kinds of their services, including medical insurance and life insurance. It is not necessary to purchase expensive insurance policy health insurance for all occasions. Client companies are always given the choice of programs, including those or other services. The quality of included in the policy of medical services guaranteed by an insurance company, which does not benefit the situation is “incomplete treatment.” Thus, the voluntary health insurance has high chances of successfully completed therapy, including because they pay additional money is not necessary and therefore not tempted to save money on their health.

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