Viral Marketing

The phrase Viral Marketing does not mean the damaging effect that can cause a computer virus, but a very effective Internet marketing strategy. Its objective is to leverage the power of diffusion of the web to create multiplier effects (such as a virus produces it), reaching one greater diffusion in each phase, thereby significantly increasing the number of people that we can take our offer. Any form of promotion which has as its objective the automatic propagation, can be considered as viral marketing. It is advertising that auto-promociona itself, in which our unique intervention will be at the beginning, when we start the process. Although Internet is the ideal medium for viral marketing strategies, it is not exclusive offline can also be conducted.

For example, when a customer is satisfied and recommend your products to others, it is carrying out a viral marketing technique, do it consciously or not. Forms of Viral Marketing, a clear example of viral marketing is observed when electronic products, such as a digital ebook or a computer program is distributed free of charge. The steps to follow to make viral marketing, for example through an electronic book, are as follows:-produces a small ebook which is related to products that promotions, offering great quality information. In it you must expressly mislead his distribution, his ban be modified or copied and you must also include some advertising and links to your pages. -Upload a copy of it to your hosting for download.-promote it on your own web site, directories and any appropriate place for this. And ready while downloads are on the rise, this will be spread like a virus, your valuable content will cause that in many cases their readers recommend it or forwarded, and that many webmasters include it on their sites as quality material to improve the content of their offerings.While your digital book will be of interest, will be recommended one and again, spreading each time on a larger scale. With this you can increase both your subscribers, your traffic and it is very likely that also your sales. Importantly, the product than you think to make viral marketing is free, with valuable content and that you provide, allow and recommend its free distribution.

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