Minus the tape sawmills can be called service saw. Spent bandsaw requires a "rest" for at least 10 hours (for rest time bandsaw recovers its properties). Then, the teeth must be sharpened, and of course breed (larger diameter logs and softer wood, the greater must be the divorce of teeth), which requires high qualification of the Exile, because illiterate preparing canvases will inevitably affect the quality and precision cutting. Separate species is a mini sawmill sawmill. Minipilorama created for those who have a need for the production of small quantities of lumber to produce special sizes and blanks to handle non-standard timber. At minipilorame one operator to easily and unassisted could easily sawed logs into boards, laths and timber desired length and cross section.
The principle of bus sawmill is very similar to the work of a band sawmill: log still fixed on the frame and the saw carriage with the cutting tool moves along the processed logs on the tracks. Only instead of a band saw on the tire is mounted chainsaw. Tread cutting chain saw wider than the saw blade. But when properly matched circuit, the track can get much narrower. When you work with a mini power-saw benches can be used saws and sawmill benzopily.Mini simple, easy to use and not requires the operator of any special skills sawing. And of course the main ridge minipiloramy – mobility! You can easily transport the sawmill exactly where you need it – whether it's dacha, or a log in the woods. With this you can work wherever you are comfortable and at any time convenient to you. All mobile sawmills and small size made of durable but lightweight material. For transportation minipiloramy quite simply car. In addition, minipiloramy possess high wear resistance, and thanks to simple design repair is not something complicated and, if necessary is in place. Compared with other types of sawmills in the mini sawmill can distinguish a number of advantages: high quality wood cutting, precision, compactness, low price, simplicity of design, reliability, low weight, easy to transport, install and configuration, operating economy, environmentally friendly and not noisy kind of sawmills, rapid commissioning, and the opportunity to work directly in the forest plot.