One You can say for sure – the dog is not experiencing pain and generally feel nothing – the brain dead. What drugs are used for euthanasia of dogs? For euthanasia of animals using the means authorized for anesthesia and muscle relaxants. Give here the names we consider it inappropriate, as this medical specifics, but for those interested can recommend any formulary. What is humane lulling dogs? Under humane used only very expensive and quality drugs. The second is the departure of a dog trained veterinarian, who will be able to evaluate the possibility of treatment, and if it is not possible, then undertake a qualitatively euthanasia procedure.
Actively employed qualified veterinarians are more expensive and therefore many companies to save money for this work take low-skilled veterinarians. Removal of animal corpses for cremation charged separately, depending on the weight of the dog. We call the vet for a house for slumber costs from 1200 rubles. Can I bury myself a dog after a lull? You can, but under the law for samozahoronenie charge a fee. However, if you bury the dog in you own plot of land and is not expected claims from third parties, then a fine is unlikely. You can not bury the dogs are bitten by someone – a professional offense – the corpses of dogs to rent station to fight animal diseases for an autopsy and binding analysis for rabies. How to spend lulling aggressive dogs? You can not lull the aggressive dogs, aggressive dogs for rent at the station to fight animal disease surveillance for 10 days and in case of death or subsequent euthanasia performed an autopsy and analysis for rabies. Lulling animals bitten people or other animals? Can not be put to sleep such dogs and their rent at the station to fight animal disease surveillance for 10 days and in case of death or subsequent animal euthanasia performed an autopsy and analysis for rabies. Can a lulling dog at home?