The Executive Body

For each , whose statement made by the Fund for consideration, calculated as the discount rate. If at the end of the previous calendar year the level of the awp for ut is greater than or equal to 30% and the level of mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations is greater than or equal to 90% estimated discount obtained by the formula (2) The techniques can reach a value of 40% or more. , who estimated 40% discount, the discount is set at 40%. The Executive Body of the Fund within 10 days from the date of decision establishing a discount direct insurer notice of the amount of insurance contributions for mandatory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. This notification shall specify the month, which varies the amount of insurance premiums (when setting the discount – from the beginning of the year). In order to reduce the cost of aws on the ut should use the "Rules of financing in 2008 year and in the planning period 2009 – 2010 years of preventive measures to reduce workplace injuries and occupational diseases and health resort treatment of workers employed in jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors ", approved by Order of Health Minister of the Russian Federation on January 30, 2008 43n. According to Section 3 of the Rules "to finance preventive measures by the insurer, respectively, amount of insurance contributions to the insurer in the prescribed manner to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter – the Fund) in the current calendar year. .

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