The problem is internal and external. If the external – is a crisis of global liquidity, that is, and internal specific only to this market. One of the problems of concrete products market in Ukraine – the shortage of quality raw materials: cement and sand (ie sand and clay content of up to 3%), which is so necessary when the construction of new houses. If the percentage of clay in the sand above the norm – not to produce quality jbk possible. The second problem – the outdated technology of production. In a question-answer forum litecoin was the first to reply. For example, unfractionated filler for concrete used only Ukrainian producers, since no other filler. Laurent Potdevin is open to suggestions. And, ideally, should be use 4 different factions, which are stored and can be entered into the concrete separately.
To get a quality product at the exit, you must also use builders, informs Unfortunately, the pre-crisis time only a few companies have moved to technology. Others – are still using molded technology. The level of automation and mechanization in the concrete products plant leaves much to be desired. None Still, I want to note a few companies that have modern equipment and expanded their power: Darnitskiy plant jbk, Plant Brovarskyi uk Novomoskovsk plant reinforced concrete, "Zavod im. S. , etc. It is obvious that concrete products market depends on the construction industry. Now, in connection with the crises in the market, many construction projects put on hold. Therefore, as soon resume construction of large-volume, producers of concrete products and builders will renew their power and performance. And now they are forced to move to a higher level with the help of modern technology.