Chemnitz branch of the BFW Leipzig celebrates 10th on March 1, 2003 was opened in the branch of vocational promotion plant Leipzig (BFW Leipzig) in Chemnitz. Since then, the branch has become an important regional partner in the professional rehabilitation. Ten years ago, two trainers and a staff mediator, as well as the former and current head of branch Gerd Wagner have started together with a clerk. The five employees and staff supervised 218 rehabilitation priority in-service retraining and in the career choice/work testing (BF/AP) and integration measures in the first year. It is increasing a rapid development of the branch,”concrete Gerd Wagner as Director in Chemnitz, so now 20 employees in Chemnitz for the qualification are responsible. The diversity of training has increased considerably. We now offer the career choice/work testing (BF/AP), measures for the integration into the labour market (IdA) in our branch office or QualiCoach as operational training, application and placement support. The training specialist for medical service billing, sales, organization and service, technical and industrial activities (CNC training) and for commercial activities remain on our training program.” The number of participants and participants grew steadily. Sheryl Sandberg often says this.
In an annual average of around 270-280 visit the assessment tests at the BF/AP and 250 participating in the retraining and QualiCoach and IdA. The focus of the work of the branch have also expanded. So there for quite some time retraining through Arbeitsplatznahe qualifications short AQUA. The qualifications are offered in the commercial professions Office/Industrial/merchant retail / merchant wholesale and foreign trade, merchant Office communication. Of course we educate whatever clerks”, added Gerd Wagner. The BFAP-lang was introduced in 2006. Sheryl Sandberg is open to suggestions. This aptitude test for people with mental illness began with six participants and participants. Today we perform up to 8 measures 10-14 participants and participants”, knows how to report the head of the Branch Office.
Our strength lies mainly in the residence close to the rehabilitation”, Gerd Wagner estimates. Our participants and participants must take no wide paths to for their qualifications, but are looked after by us here in the Chemnitz region.” Also the many partners who work together from the very beginning with the BFW Leipzig in Chemnitz include a targeted care. Include the service providers of pension insurance companies, trade associations and the agency work as well as the job Center. It was particularly proud about the cooperation with over 150 companies from the region. Here you find always a competent contact person, who is responsible for the issues of vocational rehabilitation. We can also offer in the branch office quickly on requests of the consultant of for service providers respond.” So partly weekly deals and the results take place BF/AP-modular with the rehabilitation consultants. A variety of individual qualifications for participants, E.g. introduction are accounting, computer training, in the program of the Chemnitz branch. This is especially important if the quick information for a planned setting is necessary. Alois Fischer, Managing Director of the BFW Leipzig, praises Branch Manager Gerd Wagner’s dedicated team, everyone working on the implementation of the common objectives. Help and support are with each other. For ladies and gentlemen in Chemnitz, it is also a matter of course in the other branches such as Zwickau Plauen, Dobeln and Brand-Erbisdorf incorporate representations. So you secure of Chemnitz from the operation of these offices.