Servicetrace outlines eight key aspects of monitoring strategies Darmstadt, 07.01.2009 – only every seventh company has the quality of the entire IT services at a glance according to a latest survey of the Software House Servicetrace at any time, by inserting solutions for a comprehensive monitoring of service levels. Two out of five IT managers even indicate that they could assess the quality of service, even without a tool-based monitoring. “Given the very complex service structures is very negligent” such a position, is reflected in amazement Servicetrace Managing Director of Markus Jatin and refers to the growing dependency of the business functioning service processes: weaknesses in time detected in IT, so it comes to errors in customer, logistics or production processes that can have finally economic disadvantages entail and to draw even greater consequences in case of recurrence “, it problematized. Therefore continuously secure statements about the response times and availability of applications, networks, and systems are necessary. At SAP, also an accounting should be possible. Jatin however sees a growing sensitivity to the IT managers to protect the own responsibility by monitoring.
This topic is increasingly on the agenda”, he notes. The Servicetrace Managing Director has therefore developed eight guidelines for the orientation of the companies for the development of strategies for the monitoring of IT services: low resource usage: align on such methods and technical tools, providing a request just observation and evaluation of IT service quality without extensive implementation projects and poor administration. Comprehensive perspective: the most usual, but not sufficient for the needs of practice agent-based resources point of view applies to expand it by end-to-end information on the quality of the applications for the end user. No interference in applications: There are Monitoring procedure to prefer coming out without burdensome implementation in applications or systems. This makes them also resilient to infrastructure and Applikationsanderungen.
Differentiated analyses: the monitoring software can distinguish between the data for a precise analysis of the real performance conditions in the infrastructure systems, clients, customers and locations. Integration ability: For reasons of economy she should in a master function of monitoring tools existing data in your data warehouse can import and process. Advanced fields of application: to expand the efficiency, monitoring systems, which can be used at the same time to quality assurance by administrative interventions in delivery systems, for example, in the realization of patches and changes and rollouts are recommended. Needs-based reporting: it requires a sophisticated and fully automated reporting of service level agreements (SLA) in which all applications can be included. Resiliency: It must be ensured by an intelligent error handling of monitoring clients that there is no interruption in the monitoring of IT-structures. About Servicetrace: Servicetrace developed comprehensive monitoring solutions to determine of the performance of key applications. The ServiceTracer platform provides the decision-relevant information for the management and other stakeholders in the company in the form of reports and alerts. The implementation and administration of architecture produces only a small amount. It is also appropriately scalable. Companies are among the customers of Servicetrace how Lufthansa AirPlus, Norvatis Pharma, Sparkassen Informatik, T-systems, etc. meetBIZ & think-tank Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat str. 6, 50354 Hurth Tel. 022 33 / 61 17 – 72