State Of The Market Mutual Funds

Today, as we know the market conditions for investment are very unstable. Recent close of trading on the stock exchange showed that the dollar is losing its strong position. While Russian Rubel keeps his position. In this review, we you consider the most profitable Russian mutual funds over the past year. As is well known Unit Investment Trusts (UIT) – separate property system, consisting of property transferred in trust management company founder (s) of trust management with the condition of combining this property with property of other founders of the fiduciary and the property received in the course of this management share in the ownership of which is certified by a security issued by the management company. The legal status of mutual funds regulated fz 'On Investment Funds' from November 29, 2001 Under the Act no uif a legal entity. What are mutual funds, we understand, and you will review the most successful, which showed the best result over the past year: Name Type Cut the Office. Company% over 5 years Price 1 unit 1 Peter Stolypin On A ufg Invest 1 344.29 054.57 rubles 2 Energocapital-Balanced On With Energokapital 325.10 871.46 usd 3 Base On A Capital em 310.68 459 408.08 usd This is the most profitable mutual funds for 2007. And now we learn that writes about this year's site manager of Russia's public risky pifs each year is to learn something new – circumstances force. In 2005, for example, had to learn to control himself, and paper – in the portfolios, not to be afraid of ghosts and bear not to swim against the tide. In 2006 – not to be greedy and do not indulge in the euphoria and believe in a brighter future. And in 2007, had to learn to "play on the saw." Last Sciences, Russian managers is given especially hard – as in force "netehnichnosti" many investment strategies and the thickness portfolios, and because of commitments to "be in the papers" in any market. If in 2005-2006, the most risky funds passive investors could expect to yield a few tens of percent per annum, in 2007, the situation changed. Outcome of growth of the micex index (plus 11,5%) – merit only in the autumn-winter season, when the market broke away from the "Saw" and turned to new record highs.

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