Sliding Gates

Moreover, minor differences of relief sliding doors are not terrible – Gates moves on land and have only one attachment point. In case of insufficient distance for the zone rollback, we can consider the design of telescopic sliding gates. Door leaf is made of several sections so that that when you open the gate section is retracted into one another, and saves space. Moreover, the use of automatic gate opening speed telescopic gate than at the gate with a solid frame. Sliding gate is A special automatic equipment. When choosing electric need to build on weight and size of doors.

At the door leaf is mounted rack, which moves the gear set on the foundation of the actuator. Sliding Gates did not take place, they are not afraid of snowy winters. But apart from these types of gates there are others. If at the entrance to the site is U-shaped entrance design – you can think about the roll-up doors with automation. Canvas roller doors of steel or aluminum wound on a spindle, mounted on a horizontal crossbar U-shaped design. Roll rose boxes.

Opening takes place by means of tubular actuator. Roller Gates is not very suited to owners of sites with unstable electricity supply. In the event of power outages have to manually raise the gate with a special knob. Many owners of land put canopy at the entrance to the site. Canopy protects the car and the territory from the rain, but unlike in the garage, especially if there is a transparent roof, the visual does not narrow the space station. If there is an overhang, you can put an entry sectional doors. Sectional doors lift up on the rails under the roof overhang and no space. Do not require frequent cleaning snow in front of the gates in the winter. Sectional doors can be equipped with automatic gates or used in manual mode. Selecting the type of gate to enter the site and automatics to be done on the basis of all factors – general architectural solutions, convenience and safety of the gates and the necessary financial investments.

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