SGD Landesstrasse

A creative copywriter supports the marketing of megatrends. The purpose of life is for most Germans not only in family and friends, but especially in the travel. Day trips around are the big megatrend in the cities tourism. About 10 percent of their total expenditure for consumption spend the Germans each year for leisure. While city remain one of the fastest growing segments in Germany tourism. For even more opinions, read materials from Gary Kelly. Clever marketing managers have recognized this and diligently promote the attractions and highlights of the city. But advertising does not equal advertising is: creative texts, it is also, to become really guests potential interested parties. It is therefore important to look to the market of advertisers: independent copywriter pay usually longer, faster and cheaper, not to the advantage of city marketing.

Because that in indisputably, Germany presents itself as cities and cultural ice target. Accordingly, the promotional and textual production must fail, linguistic Accents and be so tempting that spreads the magic of the place in words. Particularly in view of the financial crisis, which has spread across the world, an adept marketing is the key factor to maintain the high level of last year, or nearly achieving: after all, there was a increase of three percent in overnight stays last year. So travel and in particular the discovery of cities and places of interest within Germany still en vogue”remains, are worthwhile investments in advertising and creative text. A.D.; Numbers: G + J 1 Halbj. media sales 2008 creative advertising concepts and text, nationwide by telephone or written briefing: Word head, Andreas Dresch M.A., free writers and copywriters, certified marketing speaker SGD Landesstrasse part 2 68163 Mannheim phone: 0621/8280473 E-Mail: Internet: Word head, Andreas Dresch m.a., studied German language and literature and politics. He was for many years as a hired lyricist, conception and Senior copywriter in traditional advertising and direct marketing worked. Range of services as a freelance copywriter: brochures, folder, image brochures, flyers, website content, newsletter, name-finding, claims and more. Industry: Travel, tourism, city marketing, lifestyle, beauty and others.

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