Seek And You Will Find

You search, and you will find; you beat, and to open se you If I could, to dress the naked ones If I could, to give forces the tired one If I could, to raise the abated ones If I could, to return the lost dignity If I could, to give the heat of the sun If I could, to cantarolar as the birds If I could give the perfume of the flower If I could, to saciar the hunger and the headquarters If I could, to sow the peace If I could, to satisfy the dreams If I could, to guide the ones that they search If I could, to cheer the moments If I could, to comfort it the solitude If I could take care of of your wounds If I he could, to watch over for the life would call You me God ……….. Tim Clark may find it difficult to be quoted properly. He finds me, I am here.. Go to Jos Shaver for more information. . Many writers such as Facebook offer more in-depth analysis. .

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