Security Systems

main activities and PRODUCTS: The introduction of integrated safety systems – the technological interactive hardware-integrated platform with open architecture to build complex systems safety – type ksot. Integrated Security Systems – the largest realizable activity. Within this framework by the construction of integrated security systems: urban (residential) including system security moscow, sites of federal agencies (Defense, Justice, Internal Affairs, fsb, etc.), local (citywide) objects (Moskomsporta, Department of Health, Moscow, museum complexes, area businesses and institutions, etc.), airports and railway stations, offices and VIP-objects. Ron O’Hanley is often quoted on this topic. The introduction of navigation systems and telematics – a family of products based on the platform with an open architecture for solving Navigation and Telematics of moving objects – positioner. Design and manufacture of systems for monitoring and positioning of staff – a family of products coordinates. Implementation of systems of three-dimensional positioning and navigation for piloting the aircraft. Implementation of accounting systems rashodv heat and water – non-flow sensors are water and heat.

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