Quality 90012008

UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2008 promotes continuous improvement and the satisfaction of the client through the fulfilment of its requirements, the standard that promoted as in its ancient version of the 2000. One of the main foundations of the norm is the orientation to processes, which consists of the identification and systematic management of the processes developed in the Organization and in particular, the interactions between them. The ISO 9001 standard is adapted to the reality that companies depend on acceptance and consumption of their products by consumers. For compliance with the standard, it is necessary to achieve customer satisfaction, to change this will be identified with the Organization and will be predisposed to maintain his level of involvement with the organization. This is the point of this legislation, insofar as it is the reason of their origin. Other requirements of the standard, try to satisfy this need. ISO 9001: 2008 standard, establishes the General requirements that an organization that wants to implant a management system of does the quality must respect and comply with:? Identification of processes. Controls and monitoring. Follow-up of the results. Actions to achieve results. The center of formation of normative services.

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