Public Power

In general way, the intention is to contribute with the public power in the educative process, rescuing aspects of the local reality that have not been considered in national books, main purpose of the presence of the College of Itaituba in the city, in view of the priority in making the joint of Superior Ensino with Basic Ensino by means of the research of the academics who are being launched as professional in the work market. On the other hand, valuing the existing professionals of the education in the region, who know the peculiarities local, inviting to participate them it of the systemize organization of the historical knowledge of the university studies of Itaituba that, during the Supervised Periods of training and the accomplishment of the Works of Conclusion of Course, they will be able to unite the theory acquired in the College to the practical pertaining to school that the municipal education demands. One knows, therefore, that until the moment, in the pertaining to school scope of the city, a didactic material published that does not exist it gives account of the subject: Regional history of the Legal Amaznia, much less on the reality of the cities of the region of the Tapajs, also with omission of data on the insertion of this region in the scope of the State of Par and Norte of Brazil, mainly of the South America. Moreover, existing the Amazonian and paraenses studies to be explored in the schools, emphasize more the biodiversity of general form, forgetting them specific aspects the micron-region of Itaituba, main center of mineral, farming development, industrial lumber and southwestern advertising it Par, as much in the Navigation how much in the Communication and Culture, as well as in the activities of Rendering of services of the Third Sector for the Particular Organizations. For these reasons, it is justified execution of this Collective Project Interdisciplinar de Elaborao of the Collection of the Didactic Book of History for the pupils of 6 Year of Ensino Basic, elaborated for academics of the Course of History that is being guided for the Coordination of the Course of History of the FAI and supervised by professors of this Institution of Superior Education. .

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