PKV Basic Tariff Without Success

Occurred since 1 January 2009 the hoped-for run on the basic rate of private health insurance private health insurers are obliged to accept former insured and those who are not subject to statutory insurance, their insurance. They must also provide a basic tariff. It was assumed that the inlet in the PKV base tariff will be very large. But apparently, the opposite is the case. About 9,800 people in the basic rate of the car are insured according to the ‘Association for private health insurance’. For even more opinions, read materials from Bernard Golden . Only 3% of the estimated 300,000 people who were without health insurance prior to the. The hoped-for ‘run’ on the base fare of the PKV is failed to materialize.

The fee is up to 570,00 euro a month. His achievements, however, correspond to those of the statutory health insurance in the essential. The base fare is among other things so expensive, because he makes a redistribution of social assistance to the insurance community”explains Jorg Gajewski, Managing Director of the PKV specialists KmS Vertriebs GmbH. The policy requires the private funds through the base tariff whom they need to insure under what conditions. Unit solution, the State has infiltrated the diverse competition.

Therefore, this rate has not the success of the initiators have hoped. One can only hope that the new Government quickly devoted to this topic. The original idea was that each health insurance can be. This must be but also affordable”Gajewski continues. The basic rate to return to the private health insurance not insured and insured allow switching to another provider. However, this option is not used. The KmS Vertriebs GmbH is exclusively for private health insurance. None of your currently 5,000 customers of other insurance in the base fare has changed until today. KmS Vertriebs GmbH Jorg Gajewski Christopher Street 18 34123 Kassel phone: 05 61 98 86 68 0 fax: 0561 98 86 68-99 E-Mail: Web: Press Office Anne-Kathrin Schluter DECON communication marketing sales phone: 040 226 228 0 email: the KmS Vertriebs GmbH is a company specialised in private health insurance and pension. As an independent insurance broker the PKV specialist has emerged nationwide within a very short time. The Kassel company offers comprehensive services for free agents and distributors.

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