Peruvian Branch

That is to say, this branch of the private right has its own characters, which agree to study to have a complete idea of the branch of the right matter of investigation. 4. DEFINITION the mercantile right is the special branch of the private right that regulates the activity consequently commercial that is the activity of the retailers. Before exista problem in the Peruvian state in the application of some commercial norms since norms of commercial right existan and right civilian on a same subject, but this has been left of the side with the partial unification of the right deprived in the Peruvian state, which has allowed a commercial but gil trfico and within this mainly in the matter of hiring. 5. MAIN BRANCH OF the ENTERPRISE RIGHT the mercantile right is the main branch of the enterprise right consequently is clear that we cannot leave it of side, and the same happens within the corporative right. 6.

PARTS OF MERCANTILE RIGHT 6.1. GENERAL PART the general part of the mercantile right studies the retailer, the transactions commercial, the commerce, among others subjects, thus all jurist must dominate the same, to effect of being able to have ample approaches but of the subject study matter. This part of the mercantile right has been neglected by almost all the lawyers, consequently is made its study necessary. 6.2. SPECIAL PART the special part of the mercantile right sandal to branches of this consequently we can affirm that this part of this branch of the right studies and regulates the club right, to carturlar or exchange, stock-exchange, competing before known like right bankruptcies, telecommunications, marcario, of international trade, among others own branches of the mercantile right. 7. OBLIGATIONS OF RETAILERS 7.1. TO PAY to TRIBUTES the retailers estn forced to pay the following tributes: license of operation, tax to the rent, general tax to the sales, selective tax to the consumption, among others, nevertheless, is clear that many of these tributes mainly the ltimos slo burden the activities of the great companies.

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