It is obvious that the Russian new car buyers are various reasons for going to one or another auto show. Some of them looking for a simple and reliable vehicle for reasonable money, the other chooses a car for indicate its status. The choice of the car brand and model of course depends also on the buyer's age, his income and even place of residence. Thus, residents of the Far East are turning their attention to new roads cars in the maximum configuration, as "Europeans" had lost their legs in search of inexpensive cars of reasonable quality. In autumn 2007, the research agency Quans Research conducted a 14-th wave of the research project 'Lifestyle middle class'. One of his topic was the question of the presence in the family car (personal or professional). Thus, the presence of one car in the family said 43,7% of households. On the use of two cars favored 8,2% households, 0.6% of households have three or more cars.
As a result, the availability of a car in the household, said 52.5% of respondents. The main factors to choose a car have been named the price, reliability, complexity of repair, preference for brand of the car. The most popular at the same time used by such brands as vaz 2101-2107 "Classics" – they have 15.4% of the families of those polled, about 12% of respondents said the availability of car vaz "tenth family. Toyota car brand owned by 8% among the respondents. Question about the year of manufacture cars allows us to estimate the "age" the fleet of the middle class. Approximately every tenth car in the garage "average Russian is not served him yet and the year of the date of the assembly line plant. Slightly smaller proportion of cars are 2006, 2005, 2003, issue. 2001 and 2004, production is relatively less represented in the segment of the middle class, 2002 Conversely, relatively bolshe.Tret households of the middle class have old cars manufactured before 2001.
Thus, the proportion of respondents, the cars are not older than three years, about 28%. Studies assessing the cost for the purchase of the car showed that the largest proportion of respondents (14.3%) acquired a car between $ 70,000 up to 100,000 rubles. Less by 1,2 percentage points – percentage of those who spent between 110 and 000 to 180 000 rubles. The smallest proportion of respondents (3.2%) represented by those who have spent to buy a car worth over 830,000 rubles. In this case, Muscovites, and representatives of the Urals and St. Petersburg the cost of purchasing a car the greatest amount. Regarding plans to buy a new car may be noted that the middle class is increasingly give preference to foreign cars. Thus, the acquisition of new foreign cars planned almost 47% of respondents Used cars are not older than 7 years want to buy 24% of households. Purchase of a new Russian-made car plan 13.5% of families. Approximately 13% of middle class willing to pay for your new car 270-350 thousand rubles, which corresponds to the average low-budget buying a car. Roughly the same percentage of middle income groups are willing to pay for the vehicle to 100 thousand more. And only about 5% of the buyers are willing spend more on car 850 thousand rubles. The tendency of increasing the proportion of car owners in the structure of the middle class over the past three years. We can assume that in future the main driving force behind the growth in vehicle fleet Russia will be the middle class.