MATI Marketing

Promotional marketing, packaging in Gupost call the packaging as the manipulated activity directed to the packaging of different products. It is the activity that are closed with shipments of gifts or gifts promotional marketing campaigns. Although within the promotional marketing also play a very important role printing press by online, the mailing, the contact center are very diverse forms shipping of products that will bring a logistical process, so the manipulated is tailored to each customer’s requirements, and develop and depending on the gift that will be sent. In addition to protecting the content of the product being delivered, other functions that may have the packaging can be: promote the product, draw attention, inviting the consumer to open the product, identify the product, create brand image all of them key elements in direct marketing, relationship marketing campaigns and promotional marketing campaigns. We must be very present these specifications already within a campaign promotional marketing gift sending can be one of the few tangible communications that may have a company with its current or potential customer. We have different types of packaging such as: specific cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, boxes, plastic with bubbles, padded envelopes, reinforced envelopes, strapping in addition to requesting the packaging companies that perform some promotional marketing campaign, Gupost thought that we can offer an important added value to companies that has highly developed the sale through the online channel, since such companies need quick storage solutionspreparation and handling of the products we sell, the stock management and shipment from Gupost management can meet all your needs. Source: Press release sent by MATI.

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