comevis companies on the opportunities of the new legal regime to use Cologne, April 20, 2011 calls in many places, particularly an element of the planned amendments to the Telecommunications Act encounters great skepticism: the free queue. The Bill passed recently by the Federal Cabinet has caused displeasure with numerous companies and associations. The comevis GmbH & co. KG, however, sees great potential to strengthen brand and customer loyalty in the new regulation. The experts of acoustic brand management and auditory dialog design waiting situations considered promising platform anchored on the company through the targeted use of sound profiles and professional audio interface design favorably in the consciousness of the caller on the phone. This primitive queues are abolished and replaced by a smart waiting field system, which consistently addresses the individual dialogue situations. Ostensibly, extra costs come to through the free queue for the company.
However, this is only half the truth. Da the time waiting in the wings is a phase in which the company which makes attention of callers, use this time is suited to strengthening customer loyalty and branding. Also I am firmly convinced that callers are much more open for it to accept information and messages of companies waiting in the wings, at the time, there is no cost them”explains Stephan Vincent Nolke, founder and CEO of comevis GmbH & co. KG, which deals with multisensory contexts in the auditive-based customer communication for many years. The queue can be used but also for the company cost-neutral or even profitable by the time waiting in the wings will be offered to other companies as advertising time. So, for example, a shipping merchant can offer targeted his hold the company as infotainment window, whose products he sells.” According to the current draft toll queues should be allowed in the future only if the caller dials a local phone number.