It makes little sense to enforce only over the price. Because the power of the various providers as a product in the end is arbitrarily interchangeable, for example, the public utilities need to work much more with emotions and their proximity to the local people. In conjunction with clear messages, a recognizable brand profile and a sustainable strategy then strong regional brands can be caused, must not hide from the four heavyweights.” Long, the Germans were skeptical when it comes to switch power providers. The fear for some time to sit, literally in the dark has held many long to look for another provider. More place but this shyness and more citizens from the market comes in movement. Plaster & partner management consulting has recently conducted a representative survey. What about 25 per cent of consumers are determined to seek a new power provider in the course of the year 2011. In addition to competitive providers, but increasingly people are looking companies that offer power from renewable sources.
“Equally important, and this is a great opportunity for the regional suppliers, the customers prefer companies that engage social and secure, for example, jobs in the region”, Claus Vogt reported. These elements should observe the small and medium-sized providers in their exterior appearance.” About the wvp advertising company mbH: dedicated to the two managing directors of wvp, Anette Rottmar and Claus Vogt, especially the strategic brand management and trade marketing with currently 23 staff. The connection creation and efficiency in the Center stands the campaigns the Agency. In addition, the core competencies of the Stuttgart-based company include integrated brand communication and cooperation marketing, integrated promotional concept, controlling POS integrated brand communication. Your concepts considered wvp the point of sale not endpoint of the chain of communication, but as their main income. The Agency is a member of the POS Marketing Association (POSMA) and the GWA, the German Association of communication agencies and in 1979 became Walter + partner founded. In 1996 the current WVP advertising company formed the company mbH, who won ten POSMA marketing awards and other awards such as the German sales promotion Award and the EACA PMC European Award 2005 in the last seven years alone. The numerous reference customers in the Stuttgart advertising agency kitchen land and HORNBACH as well as Stuttgarter Hofbrau, power optics, Dumont, include Dresdner Bank, Black Forest bubble and Yes Telecom including BMW, Bosch, the German Soccer Federation, CREATON AG, PLANA. Press contact: Sparta PR Philip h Steinbeisstrasse 12 73037 Goppingen Tel: 07161 808 995-9 E-mail: