This moves the Callcenterbranche 2010: current market study among more than 200 executives In December 2009 more than 200 executives were interviewed by phone after your investment objectives for 2010, as well as the topics prevailing for. Others who may share this opinion include Gary Kelly. Top technologies for the automation and self-service are on the shopping list. Thus, the trend continues to relieve employees from standard requests. Thus personnel costs can be saved. VoIP has prevailed as a base technology. Replacement investments amount mostly to VoIP or hybrid solutions in the field of telecommunications. “” “” Is amazing, that is the subject of dialer “in 10th place of the shopping list, even before issues such as campaign management” ACD “or unified communications” is.
Those who believed that the Outboundmarkt is dead by the more stringent law will be disabused here. “Trend topics such as self service on the Internet” or chat “are very far back. Obviously the market pressure of the consumer hasn’t arrived for these communication channels. Be the After the relevant topics of 2010 executives questioned, is the subject of data protection”far above. Confidence in the market must be restored.
These forms must be found as the sense of security principals can be taught. Secondly the issue of minimum wage is already”. That so surprised that Callcenterbetreiber invest in language portal technologies and simple tasks are moved by the people on the machine. I.e., the employees will be demanding in the future. In addition to the good skills, but also the ability to use various communication channels and also in written form can print, will be necessary. These skills require people with better education who want to be paid for this reason better. The prohibition of cold calls from private individuals engaged the industry in third and fourth place, when it comes to the consent for cold calls and the new legal framework. Currently, there are only very few experiences under Consumers give their consent for telephone telemarketing calls what circumstances. Call centers will have to go new ways in the speech in the B-to-C area. Call centre over the phone channel, should think as communication experts. You can download the detailed presentation of the study with the differentiation according to Callcenterdienstleistern and internal Callcentereinheiten under. The study was conducted by the community of interest of the ContactCenter supplier (ICCA). This is a cooperation with the aim of actively with the Callcentermarkt and to benefit through cooperative measures. The ICCA are currently the following companies: Authensis AG, sonal Software GmbH, ITyX AG, novomind AG, opti-serv GmbH as well as the Voxtron GmbH. The Association is open to other interested partners. Contact:.