with their importance for the equity financing of companies, the capital market crisis or the banking crisis brought the experience value that the capital and risk capital markets must function so that the economy is not in a disaster ends up. Companies such as banks can refinance to capital and risk capital markets outside the stock exchange about the (stock exchange). The IPO and private placement must successful basically reasonable risk, so the economy is not collapsing and jobs as livelihood are not destroyed. But not only the stock markets with raising equity capital for large companies, but also the risk capital market for small and medium-sized enterprises must work regulated because the middle-class worldwide provides the most employment for income and livelihoods. Just like when an IPO is in the form of private placements to a public offer of a diversified company Investors and a broad investor base (www.finanzierung-ohne-bank.de).
It is to some extent a public placement “in and outside of the exchanges on the free capital market, which since 1 July 2005 by law about the sales prospectus law regulates and through the legally prescribed notices is transparent… As well as at an IPO, to comply with certain legal capital market rules are in a private placement on the over-the-counter equity market (www.emissionsmarktplatz.de). These rules arise from the capital market, the sales prospectus laws and legislation the Kreditwesengesetz (KWG). A private placement requires trust of the raised capital. This must be obtained by a company presentation (www.be-clever-ag.de). When walking on the risk capital market and in the practical implementation of the placement company must know that a private placement with a great persuasion orSweat of the brow can be brought to the success.
Because a private placement is an vacuumed.”Equity emission”dar,”own”work placement management in financial marketing and means in addressing investors and investors as well as financial service providers as multipliers. This can use the companies professional service provider such as Dr. Werner financial services AG. On the stock market and the risk capital market financing strategies of growth companies are with an interesting equity story, a dynamic growth perspective and a corporate vision required to succeed. Innovation and future markets are the propellant for viable capital market-oriented financing. Those interested can see free. The funding strategy determines whether additional capital through the issue of voting shares (E.g. shares, KG shares, etc.) or via stimmrechts – and holder-schaftsloses venture capital or corporate bonds worth paper securitised loans (= bearer bonds) should be raised.