THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF INDUSTRIALIZATION IN THE PARABA: DEVICES, TANNERIES AND WEAVINGS. THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF INDUSTRIALIZATION IN PARAIBA: DEVICES, LEATHER AND WEAVINGS. Luciano Agra Heifer Son Summary: Where it consists industrialization in the Paraba? What they are the Devices? What they are Curtumes? What they are weavings? Many questions, many answers This article tells from the middles of century XIX, on the agro-industrial manufacture, anchored especially in the sugar cane-of-sugar and in the cotton, he was ' ' rock of toque' ' of the paraibana economy. This analysis aims at to rescue the period of its reign of the sugar, while ' ' embaixador' ' Brazilian, of the Portuguese colony just desvelada and without bigger exposition of the expression, that is, the same economic importance, in the Europe of centuries XVI the XIX. Word-Key: Industrialization in the Paraba? Devices? Tanneries? Weavings. Abstract: What is the industrialization in Paraba? What ploughs devices? What ploughs Tanneries? What ploughs weavings? Many questions, many replies This article reports from mid 19th century, on the manufacturing agro-industrial, anchored especially in the cane-of-to suck and cotton, was the ' ' cornerstone' ' of the economy paraibana. This analysis aims rescue the period of his reign of to suck, the ' ' ambassador' ' Brazilian Portuguese, of the colony recently uncovered and without to greater exposure of expression, or is, the same economic importance, in the Europe of centuries XVI you the XIX.
Key-words: Industrialization in Paraiba – Devices? Weavings – Leather. INTRODUCTION the present article has for objective to carry through a boarding on technological innovations the physical characteristics of the fiber of the cotton colorful and the staple fibres of the white cotton. For this the rotor of the cotton was carried through an evaluation of performance in the wiring process colored, face to the promising happened investments of the demand for ecologically correct products, and the decurrent required technological innovation to industrialization of this product.