Health Minister Daniel Bahr

There are currently dependent 2.34 million direct marketing concepts and-Werbetexte for the range of care according to Federal Statistical Office in Germany (forecast 2009). Around 2.9 million people on the care should be instructed in 2020. Currently 970,000 nurses in inpatient and outpatient facilities are on the other. Usually overloaded by scarce maintenance timelines of the MDK (medical service of funds) and overtime through staffing. The nursing documentation takes additional time. Not less pressure weighs heavily on home and care services. Professionals must be kept found – and in particular. Despite low pay, who is no relation to the performance.

You must arrange the care safely no matter how and on top of that the members comply with. In addition the pressure a good MDK-care bill. On top of that the Kostensparkurs of funds – and a maze of legal provisions of care funds and health insurance law make life difficult. In short: All who do their service in the care, need above all extract load. The policy committed already. Care Misterin Barbara Steffens campaigned in North Rhine-Westphalia already on road shows for young people for the professional nurses (4.5.2011 press report of the NRW state government). And Health Minister Daniel Bahr (FDP) announced support for caring relatives and ambulatory care services last week during a Germany radio interview. Until all activities bear fruit much time in the country will go.

(Where the financing of Mr. Bahr’s is still unclear.) Need alternative relief aid. In practice, fast going and fundable. And there is this practical relief aid for all areas of care. For example, when the Bonn Publisher Pro care management, of a wide range of information and relief services for all areas of outpatient and inpatient care via direct mail offers. Of employee motivation (also without increase in salary and bonuses) professional dealing with patients with dementia, simpler and more secure documentation up to the legal certainty.

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