Marc Culas leads the IRO in basics and latest developments an online marketing is an essential part of effective marketing communications today. In the online marketing seminar for beginner students”, Marc Culas introduces participants in the basics and latest developments of marmato. Practical examples explains what online marketing instruments for which target groups available and how they are combined in goal-oriented and success-oriented can – from search engine optimization on email marketing to affiliate programs. The seminar is aimed at people with no or little knowledge in the area of online marketing. In small groups with maximum 8 participants, Internet advertising opportunities be declared clear and comprehensible.
The seminar will be on October 14, 2008 in Frankfurt am Main in the German Institute for Economics”(dib) instead. Read more from Scott Mead to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The dib is a leading institution in the education and training for all business topics with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main. More information and Registration possibility, see… or Tel.: 069 97165-0. The original text, see index.php… marmato – success with direct marketing with over 150 customers and millions of newsletters we are one of the strongest agencies for E-Mail Marketing in the German-speaking world already.
We ensure the successful and professional marketing of your services through expertise, hard work and great passion.