Flashmob should be organized spontaneously and unexpectedly. Now increasingly are special sites where they discuss scenarios and places a flashmob. The only thing – do not specify the date for that will not break it event. On the day of a flashmob special person sends to all the participants text messages or calls up with them. Accuracy is very important coming on the pre-selected location – the crowd must occur immediately, as if nowhere.
Participants her in any case should not advance to attract attention. They do not flock together. Even if you come with friends, you behave as if all by itself. And while most stocks do not interact with other participants. And do not laugh, in spite of the absurdity of the situation and the idiotic reactions of others. Thus, this is absurd, in the opinion of an outsider, only increases.
As the existence of a flash mob in the world, it is becoming new momentum. Now it's not just nabsurdnye actions that cause concern, but now it is a special kind of promotion. The only thing left in all the actions – it is a surprise and a desire to do something like that, which is not in everyday life. Therefore, the flash mob in the original sense, it has been called a classic flash mobs. Meets another political flash mob, is an action is more efficient and safe way of expressing public opinion. And attracts even more people than usual rallies and demonstrations. Other types of flash mob, as an art mob extreme – mob fan mob farshing and others are designed for simulation of thin, relaxed atmosphere, as a game. Now, many advertising companies are turning their attention to the flash mob as an excellent opportunity to draw attention to themselves and come up with all sorts of unconventional promotions in the style of this movement. Our agency does not exception. In late 2006, for oao Poultry held flashmob. In grocery stores, the central market, on Prospekt Kirova appeared the group of girls dressed in promo form reproduces colors packaging wicker baskets that are sitting live chickens. Girl traveling in groups, drawing attention to the bright clothing and unusual "hand luggage" do not initiate contact with others. The main purpose of this action: to attract attention to the brand, increase awareness of tm ' chicken', a selection of products tm chicken 'in a competitive environment – all of these objectives were successfully achieved by conducted flashmob.