BM DR. PETER RAMSAUER IN conversation with German construction companies IN CHINA to directly on-site to gain insight into the challenges and opportunities for German companies in the Chinese construction market, Dr. Peter Ramsauer, met Federal Minister for transport, building and urban development, active German companies on Saturday, October 16 in Shanghai to talk with in China. In the context of the dinner organized by econet china environment platform of the German Chamber of Commerce greater China, leading experts and representatives of industry reported on their experiences on China’s sustainable markets. Approval under the present guests learned about Prof. Albert Speer of AS & P as it realized that many German companies operate are still insufficient marketing: Germany is synonymous with quality for Chinese customers. It would be easier for German companies with targeted, a competitive advantage in the Chinese market to customized marketing actions.
“.” Other challenges for German Companies are the need for an ever-closer network for local authorities and decision makers, as well as the acute shortage in China. So is the need for specialized training of Chinese workers and an employee of increasing importance for German business success in China. That was cited in the future under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of transport, building and urban development related German Zhangjiang science & culture exchange centre in Shanghai as an example of successful bundling of German strength in turn. Prof. Fisch, whose Buro energydesign Shanghai in the planning of the Centre is involved in, presented this as a lighthouse project for German technology and integrated planning according to German sustainability criteria. After completion of Office, Conference, and exhibition spaces the Centre should as a model for sustainable building in China work and advertise for German quality, planning skills and Know-How and serve as a platform for german Chinese Exchange. The present company representatives agreed to that German success on the Chinese market in the long term will depend such and other strategic measures discussed in the talks and made several concrete proposals to Federal Ministers Ramsauer. Magali Menant, econet china