
Social networks have become the channel of choice for corporate communications. For social networks, we refer not only to Twitter and Facebook. There are a number of possibilities, which can be exploited, and whose use will result in us a closer approximation to certain consumer groups. That is, if we approach the businessman, the entrepreneur or executive mature, we will use a very different from the channel would use if we come into contact with adolescents. The use of social networks has many practical aspects, so its use is highly recommended, but essential. On the one hand, are an excellent channel for viralizar our content, that is, to bring our content to as many people as possible. This will impact directly on us. They also provide added value to our products.

Just because the consumer know that buying a certain product, you will always have an open channel through Twitter or Facebook to communicate personally with the manufacturer or distributor, provides an extra element of premium quality. Also, by using social networks achieve loyalty to our audience. There are numerous cases of examples of Facebook pages that work with great success, and have a high number of fans, those who visit for their quality content, or simply because they are fun. Note that nobody is going to visit a site or page to bombard you with advertising. The watchword here is to provide added value to your product. Another consequence that derives from the efficient use of social media is damage control. It is that online reputation has cost us so much work building will not collapse like a house of cards at the slightest upheavals that may be the comment of a disgruntled customer or former – employee injured. But to achieve all these benefits of using social networks, there are certain precautions we must take to achieve effective use.

Social networks, and by this I mean the community forums, Yahoo groups and Google, for example, blogs and portals microblogging, require time. There are certain services that allow the submission of microposteos, or "twiteos" to several social networks at once. This is not undesirable in itself, but it is also necessary to devote time to create affinity with the community and seek to increase the number of contacts and group membership permanently. Relying exclusively on the massive use of these services can be useful, but only partially. Inevitably, we take the time to interact "real" with the other members of the network. Users need to feel that behind the name is a person of flesh and blood, and, without doubt, the message will be much more effective if the user feels that he speaks to him, that embodies the message, rather than do massive. Therefore, the secret to proper use of social networks lies in the time commitment factor. Remember that patience is the mother of all virtues. If you liked this post and want to place on your site, you can do so without inconvenience, provided you cite as the source

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