Events Market Meets

Barcelona, June 2010. The events have become a key tool in business communication. According to the annual study of the market for group events eventoplus, enterprises have been dedicated in 2010 22% of its marketing budget to events. Cloud computing often addresses the matter in his writings. Through an event you can create direct experiences, transmit messages of a creative and effective way and get companies to connect and relate more easily to your target. On 6 and 7 July, IFEMA will host the meeting of the sector, event Days, where large companies and professionals that organize the most spectacular events of the market will be. The appointment is inevitable for any avid of ideas, knowledge, contacts and experience professional. 6,000 m 2 of inspiration there is much more than canapes in the world of events. Events, marketing and communication professionals can discover on event Days updates on virtual events, t-shirts that are illuminated thanks to a sensor of sound, touch screens, cardboard furniture recycled, ham as alternative interactive events, wine and wine tastings as a tool for team building, a new tent that is mounted on time record (launch on event Days), new generation laser, roll-ups with 3D effect, containers adapted for events and roadshows, online platforms to virally promote events on the Internet and social networks, flying logos made with Soapsuds salon includes other areas so the attendees can see the latest proposals of the exhibitors live (Demo area); do networking with other professionals in a relaxed way (Chill Out zone: Foosball, mini air-hockey games); Learn with training sessions and the best ofs at the hands of gurus and experts (zone training: Mind Zapping, networking workshops, art + experiential marketing, new trends in communication); the trends of the market (Knowledge Centre in the presence of the main associations of the market); or discover the latest technologies for events (Zone Ideas & innovation).

Superheroes save the events for this Edition, event Days will be dressed with a decoration inspired by Superheroes in the world of comics. On the occasion of the fair, has been created a couple of heroes, eventoMan and eventoWoman, with powers to safeguard the market for corporate events. With these superheroes, event Days will transmit that salon is a platform to help solve their problems, the Organizer as superheroes ammount to humanity in the comics.

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