Interview with Prof. Dr. Peter Leibfried about ongoing training in the field of IFRS (international financial reporting standards). Prof. Leibfried has founded the Academy for international accounting in the year 2000 and is now a professor at the University of St. Gallen (HSG).
Mr Professor Leibfried, is the impression lately, the speed of development in the IFRS have subsided? That’s true only at first glance the financial crisis and the change of generation at the Chairman threw back just a little the Board. A global convergence are however still many changes to be expected, and you may indulge the illusion of not rejoice the BilMoG (balance sheet Modernization Act), a complicated world came out with a simple accounting permanently. This is over. More than 5,000 people in the last 10 years the certificate in international accounting developed by you (CINA ) purchased. What are the causes of this high demand? The internationalization of accounting is the Central mega-trend of in recent years. The training to the CINA was clear from the very beginning it focused. The didactic approach represents an optimum blend of theory and practice, and provides a solid entry in a relatively short time.
Especially the combination of pretty and a compact week of presence can be combined very well with the other professional obligations of the participants. Is the title to take it too seriously, or anyone who has participated in the course will receive a certificate? A confirmation of participation is in the fact is everyone who has participated so so. But anyone who wants to use the CINA title, must be beyond a final exam that has what it takes. In the last ten years, about 20% of all participants are flunked by the simple accountant up to the experienced chartered accountant.