Economic-Social Dynamics

Social actors if find, also, in ' ' negociao' ' for the imposition of the legitimate vision of the economic-social dynamics of its region or city. He treats yourself, therefore, to integrate given quantitative (indicating), to the representations, and, with effect, the actions that are if developing and/or that they will go to develop itself in ' ' rearranjo' ' the one that is submitted the citizens, as well as the contribution that gives or can give for the re/construo of this rearrangement. The proposal, therefore, is to describe ' ' jogo' ' of interaction between the involved actors. ' ' jogo' ' it translates the one idea structuralized space of position where if they develop relations of being able. Two sociologists of the theory contemporary can be evoked when he works in this perspective: Pierre Bourdieu and Norbert Elias. First, the French one, it is worried more in knowing the impacts exerted for the symbolic systems in the modeling of practical of individuals and the groups in each field, and, with effect, in the social space. As, German, emphasizes the process of estruturao of social relations and the forms for which they changed themselves throughout the time. A good text where if it has access to the theoretical approaches of these two authors is ' ' The Social Theory of the Game of Norbert Elias and Interdependences: an exercise of approach and envolvimento' ' , of Wanderley Marchi Jnior (s/d). Qualitative data-collection techniques as half-structuralized interviews and in depth, register of official depositions and not-officers, and reconstruction of the memory, is essential to trace ' ' arquitetura' ' of this field of forces, identifying, thus, real demands, claims, necessities and ' ' no-reais' ' , etc., of form to promote support and cooperation (voluntary or not) of the entrepreneur and the localities, inducing the comprometimento of resources and strategies varied from collective decisions.

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