Remember I once said in one of the podcasts that patrons bring the money 2 times more at a cost as a factor of 2 smaller? So if you do not understand it then, I'll try to bring it up to you today. It is very important office for any person, not even engaged in business. So try to understand it. If you open any textbook on business workshop, you will immediately be written in simple truth is that the client is easier to keep than to find new. Let me explain with an example. About the charts will explain later (need to click to enlarge). Chart 1: Number of orders Chart 2: Earnings Chart 3: Value performance with new and old customers a couple of years back for me was a huge challenge – to find the client to develop the site. The problem was tough because I did not know where to go and where to do search.
Sometimes customers were vagrants who came then from the forums, then some boards, but clearly customers could not see. I could not create thread. Then I thought that's what. What if you do not look for new clients, and work with the old? Just a "spud" of the old, more and more. And I feel good, I'll get money, and customers well, they will receive excellent service! Che did I do? I began selling advice to their development.
Say so. I've been doing the site. To locate it, and therefore explained to the client that if he wants the site to work and bring profit, then I can maintain it professionally, maintain and advise him company.