Dusseldorf Management

The housing market in Germany seems so gepalten like rarely before. Magdeburg, 08.10.2013. That is the central finding of the price levels, the real estate Association submitted beginning October Germany (IVD). The Association, consisting of representatives of brokers, apartment managers and experts, determined the development in the field of housing annually. At present a mixed picture on the German real estate market is emerging: so the prices for new rental of apartments, which were built before 1949, have risen in this country in the past 12 months in an average of 2.8 percent. Those who emerged after 1949 (new contract hire), which amounted to 3.7 percent plus 3.1 percent, with new buildings.

All this appears relatively modest, is in part only slightly above the inflation rate. But the difference between the individual cities is especially severe. New contract rents have not risen, for example, in Berlin, Essen and Bremen by more than seven percent, in Dusseldorf, however, virtually at all. Frankfurt again lies with a rise of 2.3 percent in in relation to the rate of inflation. At the same time, differences in absolute rental prices are still extremely large. People pay 11.90 euros per square meter in Munich the average now in Dortmund, paying less than half. Home expensive plaster (10 euros) and Frankfurt (8.80 euros) deemed Stuttgart. Berlin experienced drastic increases in the past few years.

Nevertheless, the capital with an average rent of 7.05 euros per square meter is still considered affordable housing market. Even the differentiation in cities is this still too superficial. Within the cities, it is so that in a district the rents rise dramatically, while it looks two stations further again completely different. A good example of this is Berlin: wedding is the only affordable and at the same time Central District. Two ring railway stations, namely on Schonhauser Allee we find a scene district with skyrocketing rents. About 10 percent of the population live in the core layers of the inner cities. Here’s about the Half of affected by skyrocketing rents. That evaluates to a number of approximately four million citizens, who suffer from a drastic increase of housing. Who the rising prices in sought-after areas rather excited about, instead want to annoy should the MCM investor Management AG offers closer look at themselves. “Because who also as small investors” want to invest in the profitable real estate market is properly advised of the Magdeburger MCM investor Management AG. Professional advisors such as MCM investor Management AG can balance risks and opportunities thanks to its wide knowledge base and assist in the decision. Trends and current developments be considered here as well. The MCM investor Management AG will benefit from this trend their investors, but in an alternative form. This form makes it possible to benefit investors in the form of profit participation certificates of the Immobilienhype. The acquisition of this money is possible also with little start-up capital. Therefore, the access to the real estate market is possible a wider mass. The Investor relationship is therefore a win-win situation: benefiting the MCM investor Management AG, also their investors benefit. Finally, the MCM investor Management AG investment products make so successful the balance between safety, yield potential and high flexibility.

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