In 350 year B.C. the official documents concentrate pass it in the Metroon in the Templode Cibele. In Rome, the doImprio administration took the great progressos in the domain of the Archives. Certain critriosusados in the organization of Archives for the Romans still continue today valid. They had created a net of services and a specialized professional body.
Beyond dosArquivos Central offices, had instituted the creation of a proper archive for each corpode magistrates: Archive of provincial Governors. B.C. fit the Valerius Publicoaem 509, that at the time exerted the function of Consul, to create the first old archive dRoma. These archives inicialmentefuncionavam in the Temple deSaturno, where if they kept the Tabulae Publicae, that had later come to be called deTabularium 8, that it is related with the nature of suporte' ' tabulare' ' , and now it passed to be situated in the Capitlio. This Tabularium desepenhavam the Central deArquivo paper of the State, already with the importance of a great public service. The related documents diplomatists, were sheltered and conserved in templode Jupiter and wills in the Vesta.
9 Average 2.2.Idade We can consider that estasubdiviso of history was a mefistlico period, melancholic and shady for aarquivstica, where the same one had a contrary development what it seesperava, therefore at this time had a reduction in the practical one of the writing, resultandoem a reduction of the archives. These negative points, amongst other partiramtodos of the Church, that to know it withheld them and it monopolized the knowledge all dapoca, this religion conserved in its power all the documents that were kept in the mosteiroscatedrais, maisconhecidos as ecclesiastical archives, ondeas contained information were the grace of religious (abades, frades, priests, monges and mainly the Pope). The same ones made use of the information, to paraadquirir wealth, using – of the argument of that it consisted in the Bible, amaior source of knowledge of the time, that stops reaching the perpetual life, povotinha that to give its good (lands, currencies, animals, etc).