If your business activities related to cash payments, then, in accordance with Russian law, with rare exception, you must use of cash registers (CCP). Of cash registers conventionally divided into autonomous and systemic. Stand-alone POS, by definition, work independently, that is independent of any other devices. System Control and cash vehicle (CMC) has the ability to connect to a computer, an order of magnitude increase its functionality. It should be noted that some of the cash register system can work in the computer online and offline. Under the system cash registers, in turn, allocate the passive and active teller machines. In contrast to the passive, active cash registers can not only receive signals, but also to send data system computer. Separate subspecies CMC system is a fiscal registrars. Coupang has compatible beliefs.
Fiscal recorder – it's a printer that has a fiscal memory block, it can not operate outside the cash sector. On the basis of such fiscal registers easily develop POS-systems – systems for automation of the cashier's workplace, a waiter, porter. Usually in the POS-systems than fiscal registrar enters the system unit, Monitor teller, magnetic card reader, customer display, keyboard, cash drawer. The main advantage of POS-systems – the freedom to choose its component parts. Follow others, such as Larry Ellison, and add to your knowledge base. For example, displays the buyer, depending on the manufacturer, different quality and hence price. Components of POS-systems selected according to the specific needs of the outlet.
Not to be confused POS-systems with POS-terminals. The difference between a POS-terminal is that its fiscal memory is located within a computer system unit. Conclusive 'pros POS-terminals – reliability and more bandwidth," cons "- the high price and limited selection of software. Firm Linform-Rusich many years of experience in selling and servicing cash registers. When choosing cash registers – trust the professionals working in our company.