This was made possible by replacing the elevator assemblies an automated thermal point Danfoss, and the installation of automatic balancing valves on all risers and radiators with thermostats on each radiator. Reconstruction of heating system refers to most crucial areas of work, however, is just one example. High-quality repairs using modern materials not only reduces the size of utility bills, but it becomes profitable long-term investment. So, over the next 20-25 years, at least not have to collect money for the repair of elevators, heating and electricity, about 20-30 years old will serve an updated roof, from 40 to 60 – sewage. If same repairs will be carried out "as always" (unfortunately, to date, all Russians understand the meaning of this expression is the same), then the owners will have to alter it at its own expense, by investing in this endless process annually for at least 15-20 thousand rubles from the apartment.
Certain categories of citizens (for example, single pensioners) such expenses do not do it. Who's the Boss How to monitor progress of repair? Certainly, not in every house lives a graduate engineer who can determine the quality of the work or make a claim to the contractor. But this does not justify the passive attitude of many owners. By hiring a construction crew to repair the apartment, we meticulously inspect every inch of the area, assessing the outcome and did not agree to pay for the service, as any change would not comply with our requirements. So why, in the case of the common home we should do differently? First of all, you need to take a responsible approach to the preparation of a preliminary estimate of the planned reconstruction.