Aplus Field Marketing power its service area to size for publicity agencies Aplus Field Marketing, with the aim of improving and consolidating its position like agency of field reference marketing, has come developing to a line on watch to size for the clients and other agencies of publicity, promotional marketing or of events. One is to put at the disposal of the clients, with a clear added value, the tools of reporting and management of the actions of field marketing. According to Diego Olmedilla, chief of a main directorate of Aplus Field Marketing, is a service of true white mark, where our approach is to put to the service of other companies the best solutions for the management of the actions of field marketing. Our equipment will concentrate in offering the best solutions in field marketing, being useful all the technical capability and methodologic Aplus Field Marketing. For other agencies of publicity, for any company that approaches and wants to increase its proposal of value from our tools.
To put at the disposal of its clients the suitable solutions more is the objective. the most impressive ideas, almost always, are simplest. The same happens with the solutions of field marketing that we designed. The important thing is the idea that is behind, does not matter if the seal is of another agency. The idea that there is behind, in few and precise words, is the important thing for our objective. With its solutions to size, Aplus Field Marketing deals to respond to a clear necessity: to provide an answer for the beginning of action of field marketing, to put all the energies in improving the use and the understanding of field marketing between the companies and, mainly, putting at the disposal of the sector a valuable resource of reporting. Angie Lopez Moon Director of Accounts Aplus Field Marketing Original author and source of the article.