About Congenii

Jorg Reinnarth. But exactly what the customer experience management would find the necessary answers and establish the business processes. From the perspective of the practitioner, an effective lever to build customer confidence hides primarily use the moments of truth method. Two-thirds of the respondents believe that a great effect this CEM measures the direct points of contact to the customers-optimized. Similar to many attach high value to improve the quality of interaction of the employees. Third, the sales and marketing manager the necessity, the expected profile of customers call precise in experience to bring and to derive the necessary requirements of the Act. But also a customizable design of products and services provides in the eyes of those responsible for the Customer management of confidence a significant contribution to the building of a stable and thus revenue-enhancing.

So the customer experience management but can exert its effect, they expect especially that it is completely integrated into the CRM infrastructure. They consider the strategic roots of this topic in the enterprise and departmental use of CEM majority necessary. But above all a measure of success should be guaranteed and a transparent feedback management. That many companies still do not adequately meet these requirements, explains for the consultant Dr. Reinnarth that they were employed in the past in particular with the development of solutions for the customer management. The analysis technologies, for example, required for CEM are a logical next step, which will increasingly become the focus of the planning.” About Congenii: Congenii customer experience management and CRM advises their clients holistically in the area.

The service includes this Strategy development through to the technical implementation of the measures. The teams have always the needs and goals of clients in mind. Congenii offers special benefits through excellence in all three areas relevant to the clients: industry expertise expertise technology expertise the team bring in skills from all three areas and resort proactively within the projects to the expertise of the respective practices. Advice thus ideal for the customer is rounded off by the quality management of partners who bring their years of practice experience in the projects. Think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat road 6 50354 Hurth phone: 02233/6117-72 fax: 02233/6117-71

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