Verdit GmbH

The closed Fund asuco 1 second market pro is the selection process of the summary prospectus-check. The Fund is designed as investor-oriented. Hans-Peter Walter Kugler, Managing Director of verdict GmbH in Altusried im Allgau, checks for closed-end funds with the summary brochure-check and published these as PDF files and youtube video on. The summary prospectus check demands high investment levels, low soft costs, and a solid use of the liquidity reserve. Furthermore, funds characterized by a mostly positive performance record and a serious initiators occurrence with a positive rating. Only about 15 percent of the audited funds receive brochure check a positive conclusion. Altusried, 27.05.2011 – who has asuco 1 secondary market funds per the summary brochure-check positive go through, making it available at conclusion GmbH in Altusried im Allgau for investors. Managing Director Hans-Peter Walter Kugler sees the benefits of the asuco funds especially in the high level of investment, the attractive yield and the reputable and experienced Management team.

The bottom line-brochure-check asuco 1 secondary market fund pro is available as a pdf download and youtube video on. Hans-Peter Walter Kugler with the summary brochure-check filters white”closed-end funds in the grey capital market. Since the formal BFin prescribed since 2005 provide no security seal, is testing the commercial viability and plausibility of funds via an intermediary for Walter Kugler of central importance. The summary prospectus-check provides therefore figures for the level of investment, the soft costs and to use the liquidity reserve, as well as a subjective assessment by Walter Kugler. We do not select funds according to the highest Commission.

We do exactly the opposite.” Recommended for the brochure check judgment conclusion”a closed-end Fund must have an investment level of at least 85 percent. Walter Kugler does not check Fund below 80 percent. The summary prospectus check represents the interests of the investor when determining participation in the foreground. Person: Hans Peter Walter Kugler is managing the bottom line investment brokerage and asset management in Altusried im Allgau. He analyzed and selling closed-end funds for twenty years. Twelve years he worked at a major German bank. 1997 Walter Kugler has been independent financial advisers. He writes articles about closed-end funds (e.g. for performance, investment, real estate newspaper and euros on Sunday here with warnings in 2001 to fund by Falk and DBVI) since 1999. At seminars, he explained his approach to choosing a participation so far about 2,000 participants.

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