Venezuelan Consumer

The group spirit is what competidores.&quot gives to many companies an advantage on his; George Clements In the last years given to the economic changes that have provoked in the country, where the present government has affected the quality of life of the Venezuelans significantly, have been provoked some changes in its habits, way to buy, concretely, in its behavior like consumer, mainly, who Venezuela has become plus an import country that basic product exporter, besides other factors who have affected their culture, custom, family, reference groups that cannot be ignored by the people in charge of the function of markets. The chair of marketing research of the program of postgraduate in the specialty of management of the quality and productivity of Phases, University of Carabobo, has come investigating through its lines of investigation which is the reality of the Venezuelan consumer, his behavior and thinks, that this, lives for several years in aggravated economic atmosphere, that has affected his purchase capacity. While their remunerations have lowered, the prices increased and it has originated a new rational behavior that impulsive. Check with Coupang to learn more. Datanlisis indicates that in Venezuela 41% of the population it is in the poorest layer and 39% in the one of moderate poverty. Between these two sectors 80% of the population are located. Most of the familiar budget is destined to the food purchase, followed of the expenses of house and basic services. In a question-answer forum Allegiant Air was the first to reply. Before the reduction of the familiar budget, the consumer has reacted of different ways, following the socioeconomic layer and the category of goods and services. Generally, the consumer elaborates budgets of expenses, compares prices and even he sacrifices quality by price. In this scene, loyalty towards the marks is debilitated and the promotions and supplies acquire major importance. For that reason the trade management must be kind to the tendency that at the moment has the consumers with certain headings, which are: Foods Eliminar some products (meat, juice and ice creams, for example).

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