The companies of title of the Public Power have the purpose to get social yield. The companies can be individual or collective, depending on the number of partners compose who them. In Brazil they exist about 6 (six) millions and 600 (six hundred) a thousand formal companies, of which 99% are microcompanies and small companies. 2,5 Pequeno company Porte (EPP) For Wikipedia (2011) a small business company is a legal entity with annual gross revenue between 240 a thousand and 1,2 in agreement Real million the Treasury department of Brazil. In if treating to Small business company, as defined in the Law n. 9,317, of 06/12/96; the wage pisos will correspond in 80% (eighty percent) of the corresponding functions, established in clause 02.
3 METHODOLOGY In this work will present, initially, some boardings on the system of Internal Auditorship, of first part. The research has characteristic qualitative and they had been carried through in the period of 2010 the 2011, having as main source of research specific books on System of Management of the Quality and electronic archives supplied in the course Internal Auditor of Quality ISO 19011:2002. The use of the source of research published in 1997, book ISO (9000) a Way for the Total Quality, was proposital. The objective is to demonstrate that, exactly after one decade, this publication continues brought up to date, comparative with the version presented for War (2002), therefore the clauses and/or criteria had suffered few alterations. With objective to have more subsidy on the subject, not only limiting the research published in articles or books, I participated of course EAD (Education in the distance) for formation of Internal Auditor of the Quality? ISO 19011:2002, offered for the consultoria With Success through the vestibule. The related course was composed for eight modules, diverse exercises of setting and 40 horria load of h. 4 RESULTS 4.1 Identification of the benefits Some of the benefits brought for a company who uses the system of Internal Auditorship, as War (2002) is: ) Opening of new markets; b) Bigger conformity and attendance to the requirements of the customers; c) Lesser costs of evaluation and control; d) Better use of existing resources; e) Increase of the profitability; f) Bigger integration enters the sectors of the company; g) Better conditions to follow and to control the processes; h) Reduction of the remanufatura costs.