The Engine

The engine – a word borrowed from Fr. (From Lat. Locus – the place and mobilis – mobile). The engine first is a mobile or stationary steam-powered car from the combined steam engine and boiler. Locomobiles first started produce Lyudinovsky and Bryansk factory. At the Bryansk factory in 1874 was made first in the Russian Empire locomobile. This portable engine was equipped with a steam engine capacity of 10 liters. S., weighed 8 tons and was able to pull up ten wheel trailers with cargo.

There were manufactured in July of TMB. Later in the early 20 th century manufacturing portable engine in the country engaged in many plants, but they were soon forced to abandon due to the high cost of production. And only Lyudinovsky factory began to produce locomobiles serially. The first such units were used in agriculture. In the late 19 th century has begun mass production of portable engine.

In 1894 Maltsev with a joint Mal'tsovsky plants, which sets new shops and all of its proceeds to send to the development of production locomobile. Already since 1908 the plant steadily expanded production and began leading factory in Russia, producing portable engine. Locomobiles Lyudinovskogo plant has a good build quality and efficiency, sometimes even superior to foreign locomobiles. In 1912 the plant celebrated production thousandth locomobile. By the time locomobiles already had engines of 45 hp. C. However, after 2 years the plant will exceed its "record" twice. Years have been successful for the plant, but the outbreak of the First World War greatly reduced the demand for locomobiles. Demand for them is almost not there. During the war years and during the Civil War avodah served mainly military order: mines, machine guns and shells. Only in 1924, the plant recovers edition serial locomobile. The second World War I almost completely stopped the activity of the plant. Lyudinovsky plant was bombed several times. After the war, the plant switched to production of diesel engines because of their efficiency. Today, the value word portable engine has a different meaning. Today locomobile stands on a truck chassis combination, ie, the machine can move both by rail and by road. These features are invaluable in an environment where there is no opportunities to reach their destination in the usual way. Also portable engine is used today as a replacement for shunting locomotive or as a utility machine, when installing attachments.

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