The Controversial Death Of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The mysterious death of Mozart poses many puzzles. What policy options there are: the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s (* January 27, 1756 in Salzburg; 5 December 1791 in Vienna) holds mysteries. Rumors and disagreements over it came up again and again. So it is little wonder, then, that the cause of his death raises another puzzle. There are many speculations about various illnesses, inadequate medical care and even murder.

The facts to Prague, in August and September, 1791 Mozart returned after a trip to Vienna to work on his opera “The magic flute”. Mozart was the world premiere of “Die Zauberflote” still healthy on 30 September 1791. Shortly thereafter, he became bedridden and died on December 5th, 1791 to 01 in the morning. He was buried the following day in a common grave at the St. Marx cemetery.

Because the grave was not marked, was later as accurately as possible to determine his grave and in 1859 built a tomb. It was later in the central cemetery of Vienna to the Pharyngitis, which can lead to a kidney infection. The treatment of a severe throat inflammation was often inadequate to Mozart’s lifetime, and the disease was often not or only partially diagnosed. Nowadays a pharyngitis in time recognized threat no more treatment is often only through conservation, lozenges and in the worst case with antibiotics. Other medical causes of death is a disease scarlet fever or the parasite disease of trichinellosis. What Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart but actually died, will remain always a mystery. Michael Olberg

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