Valley ressaltarque, speaks and writing in a nodicotmica perspective language needs to be considered as two ways of umamesma and not as pontosantagnicos. As it approaches Marcuschi (2004, p.125), asdiferenas are not toessenciais in the plan of the content nor in the plain basic daorganizao dasinformaes, what it proves that the text oralapresenta in the diverse sorts high cohesiveness degree ecoerncia, not being able to be had as desordenadoou fragmentary. (…) the cognitiva quality of the orality, to have is not it to the writing in what it respects aograu of abstraction of the reasoning. Parafinalizar, can be considered that the conversational text of the aged one, exactly possessing its peculiarities, is marked pelascaractersticas interacionais as of any outrofalante: it is worried in preserving the face, estabelecercomunicao, about the alternation deturnos, among others afala of the aged one cannot be taken in an isolated perspective (…) . That is, of certain form, pertinent ascaractersticas to speak of aged, the emespecial one of idosovelho, in the diverse levels deanlise, point that the diferenasbsicas between this language and of the falantes more jovensreside more in the repetitions, pausashesitaes, shunting lines of topics, queso more intensified with the advanced age.
Aslies that of this work resultaramno could be had by sufficients for sedentos osespritos of concrete knowledge and definitivose of revolutionary innovations in suaespecialidade. By the way, the conclusion more insurance aque we arrive at the end of this work is that the pesquisasrelativas to the development of the language human being still estolonge to reach an adequate explanation eeficiente of its organization, acquisition and evolution namente of the child. We also arrive concluso of> that the professors of responsible edemais languages for the learning of the language would infantildeveriam to be always brought up to date in relao Psicolingustica and to the Pedagogia dasLnguas, since the choice (oucriao) of an appropriate and bemdosado method is one of more the eficazesmotivaes for the learning.