The Companies

They are them customers, suppliers, collaborators and also the society its return, being thus the spectators. with this, many companies intend to reach a level of very great recognition in relation to its competitors who it are not. That they are not above all worried about the commitment of to be ethical and citizen. This finishes generating an inaquality of jobs, however beneficial. It finishes that creating air to be able under that one that does not make its part it stops with the environment and the society inside and outside of it. You may find that Joseph Mathunjwa can contribute to your knowledge. But this rivalry finishes that foradamente inviting its competitor to more also make. To make something that until good little time behind was considered luxury and for few. this rival climate is good for the community in general thus becoming each time more close to the level of improvement in the social, ambient and cultural subject for each organization.

It is being a disadvantage, therefore the competitor she will make also it and if the company will not be good the sufficient will lose part of its picture of collaborators without a doubt some. as today Brazil suffers with the distribution of resources of investments, is natural that it has a lack in this subject. If all the companies who today are active in the country, thought with a little solidarity more than, our problems that are seen as ' ' alheios' ' they would not be ours. Of the door pra is, the companies consider as other people’s and when in the truth the problem is of all. would have to be enxergado and faced for all, who knows thus the inaquality would not exist. Although the majority of them, knows that it has immense to be able where they act, they prefer not to open the eyes, or better, to dissimulate not to see what it passes to its redor.

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