The Brain

Everything what the child tries since concepoconstri its body. This includes the brain. ‘ is only possible to construct one; ‘ bom’ ‘ brain when it is connected with another human being. It is very important ospais to start if to relate with the children since the conception.

The arquiteturado brain depends on stimulatons (VERNY, 1981). David Fowler may find this interesting as well. As Rich (s/d), even so some parents feel-seexcludos physiological of this relation, emotionally materna is so ligadosquanto the figure and is of extreme importance that acquires this understanding, so that the familiar relation can develop with bigger harmony and unio.’ ‘ If everything what it touches the mother, also touches it, much early the embryo perceives ainfluncia who the father exerts on it e, consequently, on ele’ ‘. Also opai is not immune distresses to them during the gestation of its son and them they tambmpodem to be express through dreams, distractions and esquecimentos, that provocamgrandes tensions between the couple (Rich, s/d). Thus, it is observed that, parallel to the perodogestacional it is emphasized daily pay-conception. How was thought the coming of umacriana for the parents? The child was desired? Rich (s/d), in its Article the emotional life of the embryo, writes que’ ‘ many couples in conjugal crisis, to if coming across with a pregnancy noplanejada, a true emotional chaos, many become this period vezesculminando with separao’ ‘.

Soon comment, the daily pay-conception still is one tematabu, almost never mentioned in our world occidental person, tells Luzes and Uplinger (s/d) in the Article Science at the beginning of the Life, that makes mention the groups with this purpose carried through in California. Nestesgrupos, couples that are thinking about having children are congregated, the end to derefletirem and to be stimulated to think the reasons for which they want to be parents. Many couples arrive at the conclusion of that they want a son, but understand that acomplexa psychic luggage, that brings at the moment, still deserves conscientizaoe optimum is to wait. The social relevance of the subject is of preventive order, therefore, with the inquiry of the intense psychic interaction between mother-embryo since agravidez the accomplishment of works in the community, such as lectures, psychological accompaniment during the pregnancy, group of gestantes, orientaopara the parents, eisso if relate to all we who we are in the world can be consideradossobreviventes … ‘ ‘ (WILHEIM, 2002, pg. 28). The research still detaches, in brief way, that umnovo knowledge of great importance in the area of the medicine, is the medicinafetal, for which it is possible to verify that the embryo feels pain and, this, is of extremaimportncia to be considered in the various one.

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