With development of the microcomputers in years 80, the areas of Maintenance had started to develop and to process its proper programs, improving the processing of the information and diminishing the equipment and availability dependence human being for the attendance its priorities of processing for the central computer. Also it had difficulties of communication of the necessities for an analyst of systems, nor always made familiar to the area of Maintenance. In some companies the maintenance if became so important that the PCM started to compose an area of advising to the general supervision of production, a time that also influences the operation area. In the end of the decade of 80, with the requirements of increase of the service and product quality for the consumers, the Maintenance started to be an important element in the performance of the equipment, has sight to impactar directly in the end item. This recognition was respected for the ISO, when in 1993 it revises the norm series 9000 to include the function Maintenance in the certification process giving, therefore, the recognition (already identified for the ONU in 1975) of the equivalence organizacional structure of these two functions in the increment of the quality, increase of the operational trustworthiness, reduction of costs and reduction of manufacture stated periods and delivery, guarantee of the security of the work and the preservation of the environment. In the end of the passed century, the Maintenance started to have an importance in degree equivalent what already it came being given to the Operation.
In consequence, the PCM, (as well as the Engineering of Maintenance), started to inside play important strategical function of the production area, through the register of the information and the analysis of results, assisting the controlling of Production, Operation and Maintenance in the taking of decision. REFERENCES AUGUST TAVARES, Lourival. 2005. The Evolution of the Maintenance.