Small Innovations

‘Young company specialise increasingly part solutions and services in niche markets’, says Holger Berg by the Wuppertal Institute; “Example Polaris it’s not always the big wind turbine working on young companies, but there are often important part of solutions that make it more efficient and more effective”, Holger Berg by the Wuppertal Institute describes the innovation activity in the energy market. They worked until a few years ago young companies primarily were active in the area of technical innovations, today also with great resourcefulness on various aspects in the field of services and software solutions. The ‘small’ innovations that improve existing solutions or supplement that characterise the industry innovation are often.” Moreover, it is especially niche areas where the company faced new challenges, which are grown in recent years in energy and resource economics. Overarching future technologies such as, for example, smart grid or smart metering increased this the pressure to innovate. Overall, experts unanimously see the innovation in the energy market as an important pillar of the industry.

Ralf Weiss, project manager of the green economy founding monitor *, estimates that since 2008 the number of start-ups in the field of energy more than have doubled. “However the innovation potential of the industry will not sufficiently lifted overall in practice, as a study by Arthur D. Little evidence. * contributes the political situation according to Holger Berg: like in no other industry, political decisions have a significant influence on the innovation activities of enterprises.” Promoting the innovation currently worked the volatility of energy costs that drove companies to new, efficient energy solutions, as well as the rise in resource prices. This is also optimistic in the future mountain: Germany is a site that lives by and innovations. It is exactly this area that makes us economic success.” Utilities Polaris with innovative eco gas offer most Market analysis * the tariff situation in the Green gas market shows that currently only about ten percent of all offers fully based on renewable raw materials.

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